Texas law generally categorizes shoplifting among theft crimes. Thus, the penalties, if found guilty, is dependent upon the amount or value of items taken. Understanding shoplifting according to Texas laws The term "shoplifting" generally refers to the theft of...
From Your Hometown Firm
Year: 2022
How a DWI limits your job prospects
Driving while under the influence of alcohol may put you at a higher risk of hurting yourself, others in your vehicle or others sharing a Texas road with you. It may also hinder your ability to obtain housing, get a degree or keep your license, which can all have a...
Child custody essentials for Texas fathers
If you walk into Texas family court prepared for the questions you'll be asked, it may greatly increase the chances that you will be granted custody. Getting out of paying child support should never be the goal of gaining custody of your children, and judges can...
Talking to your kids is essential when you’re getting divorced
Divorce in Texas and around the country can be stressful. Acknowledging your emotions and talking to your children are essential steps you'll need to take to get through this ordeal successfully. Surrounding yourself with friends and loved ones may help make this...